Health and Fitness

What Would Be Considered a Normal Bowel Movement?

What is a normal bowel movement? A normal bowel movement depends on your age, your health, and how active you are.

It is also different from person to person as tolerance levels differ, and some people find it easier to go than others.

There is, however, an average of about three bowel movements a day. Its form and frequency change throughout life due to numerous factors.

To know what is normal for you and your body and when to seek help when you are experiencing bowel issues, keep reading. We will give you the guides below.

Frequency of Normal Bowel Movement

A normal bowel movement frequency for adults is typically 3 times per day to 3 times per week. It still varies from person to person. It is possible to have a healthy stool even if it is not within this range, but this frequency is generally considered normal.

Characteristics & Composition of Normal One

The composition of a normal poop chart includes 75% water. It can contain small amounts of fat and dead cells. Below are some characteristics and compositions that you need to know.

It Should Be Smooth and Have a Mild Scent

When it comes to a normal bowel movement, smoothness is key. Healthy ones should be soft and bulky, much like the shape of a sausage. If it is always hard or lumpy, you may want to speak with your doctor.

A normal one may have a mild scent that is not too strong or unpleasant. 

Brown Color

A normal stool would be brown in color due to the environment in the large intestine. Bile pigments and bilirubin contribute to the color of the stool produced. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of red blood cells.

Although the accepted range of colors varies from person to person, the normal range would be shades of brown, ranging from light to dark, with a yellowish tinge. Consistency also plays a major role in the health of the stool. This color and consistency may vary and change depending on diet. 

Have the Right Quantity

A normal poop would take place one to three times a day. But, some people may have more or less than this. It can differ day-to-day as well, so this isn’t a cause for alarm.

Easy Passing

A normal bowel movement would be easy to pass and not require significant straining. Passing a bowel should not be uncomfortable, and it should not cause any pain.

An easy-passing bowel movement is generally considered to be a sign of digestive health.

Have a Typical Shape or Form

The stool should have a typical shape or form. It should be sausage-shaped, depending on the person, about 2-6 inches long. All of this should come out in one single batch instead of multiple batches. 

Diet & Exercise’s Impact on Normal Stool

A normal bowel and a person’s colon health will depend on their diet. Eating foods high in fiber can help encourage regular and easy digestion. A person’s diet should include whole-grain pieces of bread and cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and legumes.

It should be low in saturated and trans fats, red and processed meats, and sugary drinks and snacks. Drinking water in sufficient amounts throughout the day is important for healthy digestion. 

Exercises provide physical stimulation to the intestine to produce a healthy stool. It increases blood flow to the intestines and promotes regular excretion of toxins and wastes.

Exercises balance the pH of the intestinal environment, prevents constipation, and reduces the risk of colon cancer. It brings relaxation to the body, improves digestion, and strengthens the core muscles. 

Common Signs Abnormal Bowel Movements

Common signs of an abnormal bowel movement include black stools, constipation, diarrhea, and abnormal mucus.

Dark Black Stools

Dark black stools can indicate an internal issue and should be checked out by a physician. It is not an indicator of a serious problem, but it could mean the presence of blood in the stool. It indicates a gastrointestinal issue such as bleeding ulcers or cancer.

If you experience it for more than a few days in a row, it might be due to changes in diet, such as a variety of iron-rich foods. It can also be attributed to medication or supplements.

Constipation and Diarrhea

Constipation occurs when the stool is hard, dry, and difficult to pass. This occurs when the stool remains in the colon for a long period of time, causing dehydration and excessive firmness.

Diarrhea occurs when the stool is liquid or runny and passes more frequently than usual. This happens when the colon is not able to absorb enough water from the stool, and the stool passes too quickly. Knowing the differences between normal bowel movements, constipation, and diarrhea can help people recognize when they may need to seek medical care.


Larger-than-normal stools may indicate a hernia, a condition in which part of an organ or fat protrudes through a weakened point in the abdominal wall. Other signs of a hernia include abdominal bloating/swelling, pain during abdominal activities, or pain when coughing or lifting.

It is important to discover symptoms of a hernia so you know what to do in case you experience it. You must research or ask a medical doctor about it. 

Abnormal Mucus 

Mucus is a thick, slippery substance that is produced in the intestines to help lubricate and protect the inner lining of the intestines from bacteria. Abnormal mucus in the stool can occur due to an underlying medical condition.

It can be gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, infected anal fissures, and diverticulitis.

With any of these conditions, the excess mucus can be an indication that there is inflammation and infection in the intestines. 

When to Visit Your Doctor

If you notice any changes in your bowel habits that persist for more than 2-3 weeks, such as pain, straining, changes in frequency, consistency, color, blood, or mucous, it is best to see your doctor to investigate the cause.

If you experience any further symptoms, such as persistent abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, nausea, or any other symptom that is not related to your bowel, it is important to seek medical help.

Tips for Examining Your Bowel Movement

A normal bowel movement should be regular, soft, easy to pass, and not cause pain. What’s normal for you may differ from someone else, so it’s important to pay attention to your body.

Seek medical assistance if needed.

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