Health and Fitness

What Are the Main Types of Medical Practices?

Do you fancy having total control over your career?

Becoming a doctor means not only studying for long periods of time but also getting enough experience to become an expert in your field. But as you probably know, there’s more than one medical practice.

So what type of medical practice is right for you?

Today, we’ll be telling you everything you need to know about the different types of medical practices. Not sure if you want to join a private practice, become a surgeon, or specialize? We’ve got you covered.

Read on!

Private Practice

This is when a medical practitioner operates their own business that is separate from a hospital or large medical group. They are financially and administratively independent. They are also usually run by an independent physician or nurse practitioner.

They may also be run by mid-level practitioners such as a physician assistant. Common types of private medical practices include the following:

  • family practice
  • internal medicine
  • pediatrics
  • obstetrics/gynecology

Private practices can offer a range of services related to primary care and specialized care services.

Group Practice

This is a medical practice that consists of a team of at least two healthcare providers who share resources and responsibilities. The team is usually made up of doctors, nurses, and auxiliary staff.

Group practices often have more than one location. This allows patients the opportunity to receive care closer to home rather than traveling to a single facility. They may also benefit from shared technology and resources that help the practice stay up-to-date on the latest medical advancements.

Patients in a group practice likely benefit from the team approach. This provides multiple perspectives and a variety of options for personal health care. 

Hospital Employment

Hospital employment includes a variety of medical practices and specialties in the medical field. It can include a traditional hospital setting, outpatient care centers, and a variety of other medical facilities and practices.

Traditional hospital settings involve the management of health services for inpatients. This ranges from acute care to long-term care. Outpatient care centers offer walk-in care to patients and are often linked with a hospital.

Medical practices involve the diagnosis and treatment of a specific disease, such as oncology, orthopedics, or neurology. Additionally, there are many specialty hospitals that focus on a particular patient population, such as pediatric hospitals, geriatric hospitals, and long-term care facilities.

Locum Tenens

Locum tenens is a Latin term meaning “to hold in place of,” and this type of successful medical practice occurs when a physician is hired on a temporary basis to fill in for another doctor instead of hiring a permanent one.

The need for locum tenens typically increases when a physician or medical entity needs help with a sudden increase in patients or during a period of vacation or a planned leave of absence.

Physicians who work in locum tenens are usually self-employed and contracted for a period of time, earning higher wages than those with a permanent role at the medical facility. 

So, to develop a successful medical practice, visit this website for medical office architecture to learn more!

Explore These Types of Medical Practices

Medical practices come in many forms, ranging from family-based practices to large physician’s groups. The type of practice best suited to an individual or family should depend on personal preferences and needs.

With thoughtful consideration, you can find a medical practice that fits best with your lifestyle and healthcare needs. Consider looking more deeply into the different types of medical practices to make an informed decision.

Looking for more tips and ideas? Check out some of our other posts now!


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