Health and Fitness

Here’s Why It’s Never Too Late to Get Dental Implants

Are you considering getting dental implants?

At one point or another in our lives, most of us have bad teeth or a missing tooth or two. This is especially common among those who’ve experienced tooth decay.

Because of the impacts tooth decay can have on our oral health and confidence, we often try to repair the damage done by getting dental implants. But how exactly do you go about when is it too late to get dental implants? And what exactly are they?

We hope this guide answers your questions.

Too Much Bone Loss

If your dental implants have experienced too much bone loss, don’t despair. It is never too late to get dental implants. There are a variety of treatments available to restore the lost bone in your jawbone. A combination of Ridge Augmentation and Sinus Lift can be used to increase the amount of bone in your jaw.

If there is not enough bone in the jaw to place the implants, bone grafting is also a viable option. With modern dental technology using advanced techniques such as Computer-Guided Implant Placement, the success rate of dental implants is extremely high, regardless of bone levels. 

Elderly With Chronic Illness

Dental implants can be key to the dental health of elderly individuals with chronic illnesses. Though this procedure may seem daunting and could typically be considered a risky dental healthcare option, the benefits of alternatives to dental implants for seniors with ongoing sickness far outweigh any risks.

As aging, along with the associated chronic health difficulties, can reduce oral health and diminish the well-being of elderly individuals, dental implants are an effective means to help them regain the necessary stability and support in their teeth. 

Getting dental implants also help maintain normal biting and chewing so elderly individuals with chronic illnesses can avoid painful, uncomfortable, and often expensive alternatives like dentures and bridges.

As technology has improved and when it is too late to get dental implants are now accessible to more senior patients. This solution has become increasingly viable and recommended when it comes to preserving an elderly individual’s oral health and function. Even for those who are elderly with chronic illnesses, it is never too late to benefit from this safe and effective dental healthcare solution.

Severe Gum Disease

Although there is no way to prevent severe gum disease, it’s possible to restore your lost teeth with dental implants, and there’s no pre-determined cutoff age for when it’s too late to get them. As long as you’re in general good health, you may be a candidate for dental implants.

Even if you’ve lost teeth or have gum disease, implants can still be an option. As gum tissues usually shrink when teeth are lost due to decay or trauma, certain procedures can be done to stretch the remaining gum tissues, making space for implants. Implants will replace your lost teeth and preserve your facial structure by preventing the natural shrinking caused by tooth loss.

It’s never too late for dental implants! It’s important to get diagnosed and treated by a dental professional as soon as you can to avoid further gum damage and to preserve the success of your implants.

Systemic Diseases

It’s never too late to get dental implants, even if you have systemic diseases. Systemic diseases, such as diabetes and arthritis, can affect your bones and the health of your teeth and gums. This can cause the gradual or sudden loss of multiple teeth, which can lower your quality of life.

By investing in dental implants, you can restore the form and function of your teeth while preventing further dental implant complications. Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and can be matched to your natural teeth in color, shape, and size, providing excellent aesthetics. They also work better than traditional dentures as they don’t slip and stay firmly in place.

Dental implants also stimulate the jawbone to encourage bone growth, which prevents other teeth from becoming loose and helps to keep your jaw healthy. So if you are suffering from systemic diseases, you still have options to improve your oral health and enjoy a better quality of life.

Chronic Tobacco and Alcohol Abuse

It’s never too late to get dental implants for those individuals dealing with chronic tobacco and alcohol abuse. While alcohol and tobacco have been proven to increase inflammation that can erode the gums and lead to gum disease, when it is too late to get dental implants can be a great option to replace lost teeth.

There have been numerous advances in dental technology, which allow for implants even with weakened bones from abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Furthermore, implants are the most secure and most long-term solution to replacing missing teeth.

Unlike other options, such as bridges and dentures, implants do not require frequent maintenance, and they are aesthetically more pleasing. Taking the step to restore oral health, no matter how much it has been damaged, is always worth the effort and can truly save a person’s smile.

If you’re looking for more helpful dental implants info, contact a reliable dentist today!

Learn When Is It Too Late to Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Despite what some may believe, the right person can almost always receive dental implants. Contact your local dentist today to learn when is it too late to get dental implants and whether or not they are right for you.

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