Importance of Technical SEO for eCommerce: How to Optimize Your Site for Crawlers and Search Engines

Technical SEO is critical in creating an effective online store and lays a solid foundation for your website. If you want search engine algorithms to rank your eCommerce website higher, you must optimize it according to best practices. It does not involve keyword optimization for your website like on-page SEO does. This is all about ensuring your site loads quickly, is crawlable and indexable, has a straightforward design and robust structure, is optimized for various devices, and generally offers visitors a positive user experience.

You can learn from our experience in providing SEO services in San Jose as we provide pro tips for optimizing your site. You can stay ahead of the game by implementing SEO best practices we recommend. 

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of indexing and optimizing your website to make search engine crawling effective and easy. A flawless indexing lets search engines know your websites better and rank effectively. With an appropriate technical SEO strategy, it is easier for your eCommerce business to invite traffic, enhance sales and offer a smooth customer experience.

How To Improve Your eCommerce Seo for Technical Purposes?

Search engines give preference to websites with solid technical SEO. Here is a list of technical SEO tips to help your website meet search engine standards.

1. Carry Out an Audit

It is crucial to carry out an SEO audit to understand any gaps in the strategy, including content, visuals, URLs, and mobile responsiveness. The audit helps you to make modifications that boost the overall site experience. This ensures that any new SEO practices are built on solid ground. Auditing software such as SEMrush and Screaming Frog are excellent for this. You will get an understanding of factors that are hindering the ranking and can take appropriate steps to rectify the shortcomings. 

2. Examine the Structure of Your Website

An appropriate structure is important for websites to rank higher, crawl, and index perfectly. The higher the site ranks, the more logical its design is. To improve Technical SEO, you should re-evaluate your website’s navigation hierarchy.

Check to see if the structure of your website’s pages flows by mapping out the pages in a hierarchy tree structure. While analyzing the structure, it is important to understand the navigation menu placement, internal links, and other elements and how they are designed and placed. Always check for its performance and make sure it is picture-perfect. 

3. Check That Your URLs are Correct

If the URLs are incorrect or different on different devices, it can lead to site failure. Most content management systems (CMS) generate URLs for you, but they can be confusing and wrong if it fails to furnish search engines with helpful information that can assist them in ranking this page.

4. Protect Your Website

Google keeps safety as a priority and ranks safer websites better when compared to others. HTTPS sites use SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which guarantees security. This industry-standard security technology protects the communication between a web server and a browser, thereby rendering it impossible for anybody to read the data if it is intercepted. SSL certificates are a vital component of technical SEO for eCommerce, as customers are inclined to buy from an online store they trust.

5. Boost Your Loading Times 

No one has the patience to wait for a slow-loading site. Always the faster, the better. Various studies state that if the page load time increases from 1 to 3 seconds, the tendency for the visitors to leave your site multiplies. Keeping this in mind, website developers always focus on improving page speed and own less than 2 seconds as the standard loading time. Please do so to avoid business loss.

6. Create a Mobile-friendly Version

Smartphones account for 70% of total digital media time in the United States. Mobile accounts for nearly $3 of every $4 spent online purchases. Also, Google switched to a mobile-first index in 2019, meaning that your eCommerce site’s mobile version is the starting point for indexing and deciding on SERP ranks.

The same website standards, such as structured pages, compressed images, and canonical data, apply whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Mobile screens have a different interface than desktop screens, so pop-up ads that work well on desktops might annoy mobile users.

7. Use Optimized Keywords

With an appropriate keyword strategy, sites will succeed in ranking. Choosing the right keyword strategy should be done only after considering factors like search volume: relevance, and intent. Optimizing content with the right keyword strategy will boost performance and website ranking. It would help to consider long-tail and short-term keywords before finalizing the keyword strategy. However, there are free tools available, such as WordStream or Semrush, that may help in finding new keyword combinations. Long-tail keywords with multiple words correlate strongly with users’ search queries and assist sites in ranking higher on Google. 

8. Crawl Your Website

Use software such as SEMrush and Screaming Frog to diagnose technical SEO issues. Crawling your website serves the same purpose as servicing a car. 

9. Image Optimization

Google relies on alt text (image description) to understand the content. Images, when properly optimized, can help Google rank higher. Make your image descriptions as brief and precise as necessary. Provide appropriate alt text and image descriptions, improving your SEO strategy. For example, if you have an image of a flower, be specific about the type of flower instead of mentioning a picture of a flower. 

10. Examine Your Robot.txt File

Robots.txt is a type of file that informs web crawlers whether or not they can crawl specific website areas. They prevent irrelevant or private pages, such as login pages, from being listed, as well as resources, such as PDFs, from being listed.


As you can see, technical SEO factors significantly impact website functionalities, from purely technical to user-focused. These factors determine how your website ranks in Google Search results. The tips above are an excellent place to start if you want to improve the technical SEO for your eCommerce site. It can give you a basic understanding of technical SEO strategies.

For more valuable information visit our website.


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