
7 Digital Marketing Trends That Are Dominating in 2023

You can’t ignore digital marketing in today’s world. Although traditional advertising methods still work, with the digital marketing industry reaching a value of $786.2 billion by the end of 2026, you can’t ignore the industry’s size.

The problem is that digital marketing changes often. If you don’t stay current, it’s challenging to take advantage of changing trends.

If you want to stay updated and competitive online, understanding the latest digital marketing trends is essential. Below are seven of 2023’s top trends worth paying attention to.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm since the beginning of the year. It started with ChatGTP at the end of 2022. But since then, new tools have been created that give companies more online capabilities than ever.

One of the most significant changes is with chatbots. AI is now smart enough to learn information about a company and converse with users in a natural way.

Because of that, companies are now creating new chatbot applications that are smarter and serve people well.

AI writing is another change that is making a big impact. Many companies are moving from expensive writers to AI writing tools. This allows them to create marketing content faster and at a discount.

Expect artificial intelligence to continue producing new tools in the future as the tech keeps getting better.

2. Infuencer Marketing

The way people get product recommendations has changed a lot over the years. Companies can’t rely only on regular advertising to get attention. Many consumers are tired of advertisements and ignore all of them they see.

Instead, people are now getting product recommendations from influencers. An influencer is a popular person on the internet that posts on social media. People follow an influencer’s account to see how they live their lives and follow the products they use.

Most influencers know how much reach they have and will work with companies that want to promote their brands. You can develop brand deals with influencers to promote your products — generally on a price-per-post arrangement.

3. Video Marketing

Many internet users don’t read much anymore online. Sure, they may browse their social media feeds. And that may be a great place to target some of your marketing — but many people now spend a lot of their time online watching videos.

One of the primary places you see this is YouTube. People look to YouTube for educational content, entertainment, and news. Companies also create YouTube channels informing people about problems and promoting their brands.

You can also see a surge in the popularity of short-form videos from providers like TikTok. Creators aim to create trending videos to grow their followings and improve their brands.

Look into your options for video to see if your company can take advantage of them.

4. Personalization

In a world where banner blindness is a thing, it’s hard to get someone’s attention with generic ads. You may be able to gain a broad reach with today’s tools, but if you can’t get the attention of potential customers, all you’ll do is waste money.

This is where personalization helps. Instead of creating generic marketing materials, you personalize ads to appeal to what individuals want.

Doing this helps you speak to people’s problems and the things they are interested in.

It may be challenging to do this initially since you won’t have much data. But as you run ad campaigns and learn about your customers and audience, you can create personalizations that appeal to people and make them more likely to become customers.

5. Augmented Reality

In a world where a lot of shopping happens online, it’s hard to shop for products you need to see to get a good picture of them. You may want clothing but aren’t sure if they look good on you, or want to see how a piece of furniture fits in your home.

Augmented reality helps make that happen. If you’re buying clothes, upload a photo and let a shopping app show you how you look.

If you plan to buy furniture, use a shopping app to take a picture of your rooms and place test furniture in the picture. This will give you an overview of how a room design will look without all the hard work.

Expect more advances in augmented reality that make even more useful shopping experiences.

6. Social Selling

One big problem with traditional advertising is that it isn’t entertaining. Companies can try to make a funny and appealing ad — but ultimately, it’s still an ad.

Social selling changes the formula. People will go live on video to discuss products and sell to customers. One popular way of doing this is with live auctions.

This process offers a new shopping experience that’s entertaining for shoppers and increases the likelihood of people getting sucked in.

7. Paid Ads

Even with all the changes in the digital marketing landscape, PPC ads are still a great digital marketing strategy to invest in. Countless people still search for information on Google, and many of those people click on ads they find interesting.

The way paid ads work hasn’t changed much, either. Set up an ad campaign, choose keywords, write ad copy, build your landing page, and bid on ads.

If you don’t have much ad experience, it still pays to get help. Reach out to an agency like to speak with digital marketing experts.

Stay on Top of Digital Marketing Trends

Things change fast in the online world. As technology changes and new tools emerge, the way companies advertise online changes to meet those challenges.

That’s why you can’t afford to fall behind the latest digital marketing trends. You won’t be able to take advantage of the newest tools and risk falling behind your competition. Pay attention to the digital marketing ideas above to stay on top of your game.

Do you want to improve your company marketing? Head back to the blog to find more business marketing ideas to improve your online ad campaigns.


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