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5 Top Tips on Choosing Bridesmaid Dresses Everyone Will Love

If you’ve ever been a bridesmaid before you might understand the stress of being assigned a dress to wear that just doesn’t suit you. Maybe you didn’t want to rock the proverbial boat so you grinned and bore it for the sake of the bride. If it’s your turn to now tie the knot, don’t be that bride. 

There are plenty of ways to choose bridesmaid dresses that flatter all of the special ladies in your life, it’s just about taking the time and consideration to do so. And if these women mean that much to you, it’s up to you to go that extra mile. 

Check out the rest of this blog for top tips. 

1. Carefully Consider Costs 

In today’s day and age, most bridesmaids pay for their own dresses. This is probably the most important reason why you want all of your bridesmaids happy with what they’re wearing. 

So, when it comes to the price, consider each bridesmaid’s lifestyle and what they could most likely afford. If you have concerns about the financial burden of your wedding on your bridesmaids, consider dress styles in the more affordable range. 

You can find plenty of beautiful, high-end-looking dresses for a steal these days. In fact, you can find black bridesmaid dresses here to flatter all styles, silhouettes, and budgets. 

2. Choose Your Preferred Shopping Method

The way in which you shop for bridesmaid dresses really depends on your personality type. If you’re a controlling person with a strong personality, it’s best to shop on your own, or with a trusted friend or family member. Or, you could shop online and send your bridesmaids a selected choice of styles to choose from. 

If you’re the indecisive type, perhaps shopping with your bridesmaids could help you come to a decision quicker. You could even make a full day of it and start off with brunch and mimosas! Think about what would make your life easiest as the bride, too.

3. Ensure Your Bridesmaid Dresses Are Flattering 

This is an essential consideration to keep in mind. The reality is that no two women look exactly the same, nor do they have the exact same body type. Keep each person’s body shape, and preferences in mind. 

Before you begin shopping, ask your bridesmaids about the style of dress they’d most prefer, i.e. what they find most flattering and comfortable to wear. Do they want sleeves? A higher neckline for bigger busted ladies? Remain as flexible as possible so that each bridesmaid feels considered and comfortable. 

Don’t forget to ask about their preferred type of material and color, too

4. Test Them Out Before the Big Day 

This might sound like a no-brainer but don’t make the mistake of not testing out the fit of the dresses before your wedding day. Especially if you have bridesmaids coming from out of town. You’ll need to make the effort to post the dress to them if you’re buying them in person. Or, have them order it online, try it on, and give their honest feedback. 

You don’t want to leave alternations to the last minute. If anything needs altering, make sure you leave enough time to get things sorted before your big day. Always double-check with your bridesmaids that everyone is happy and comfortable beforehand. 

5. Let Them Choose Footwear and Accessories

A great way to make your bridesmaids feel like they’re considered is to allow them to choose their own shoes and accessories — within reason, of course. Give them some guidelines regarding color and style so that it all ties in with the theme of your wedding. 

If your bridesmaids already own beautiful shoes or accessories that match your wedding theme, there’s no need for them to buy new ones. Remember, keeping costs in mind will please everyone. 

Find Fashion and Beauty Inspiration at Your Fingertips

Shopping for bridesmaid dresses doesn’t have to be a stressful ordeal. Remember that each person has their own taste, sense of style, and preferred fit of dress. Keeping your bridesmaid’s budget top-of-mind can make all the difference, too. 

Need inspiration for your wedding, bachelorette party, or bridesmaids? Explore this site for more. 


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